Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services

Project Scope

Independent Sector
Local Authorities

Participate in the Project

Further Information

  • NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (formerly Health Education England (HEE)) is working with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and partners, and has commissioned the NHS Benchmarking Network (NHSBN) to undertake an annual census of the workforce currently employed in:

    •            drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services

    •            local authority (LA) drug and alcohol commissioning teams

    •            lived experience recovery organisations (LEROs).

    This is the third year of the census and it will build on the excellent response to the censuses in 2022 and 2023. These annual data collections provide an analysis of the workforce that helps NHSE and OHID to build a comprehensive national workforce profile. These data inform local and national annual workforce planning cycles to help rebuild a skilled, experienced, and energised workforce. The outputs will also be vital in informing and supporting drug and alcohol treatment and recovery service planning.

    The scope of this project is:

    • Local authority (LA) alcohol and drug commissioning teams

    • Local authority (LA) -commissioned adult and young people’s community drug and alcohol treatment and recovery, residential rehabilitation, and inpatient detoxification service providers, including NHS and third sector providers reporting to the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS). This should include services funded by LAs through the local drug and alcohol treatment budget including those funded by the public health grant, Supplemental Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery grant, Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment (RSDATG), Individual Placement and Support (IPS), and any other drug and alcohol treatment and recovery related direct grant from OHID to LAs

    • Lived experience recovery organisations (LEROs)

    It will provide details of the size of the workforce by role as well as profiling its diversity in terms age, gender, disability and ethnicity.

    Participants will receive a bespoke report outlining key messages and metrics, which compare local data against nationally reported positions.

National Reports

Download the national report for Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery 2023 below:

Key Dates

Data collection opens:
9th July 2024

Data collection closes:
27th August 2024

Validation and analysis:
September - November 2024

National Report - TBC

Participant Reports - TBC

Any changes to dates will be updated here.




Data collection closes in: